Homeowners want to go green for the sake of both the planet and their bank balance. It’s isn’t shameful to admit that because there has to be something in it for you, too. The issue is the cost of building an eco-friendly crib. As the technology is relatively new, it’s pretty expensive and that puts off property owners. The direct knock-on effect is that the environment suffers because average people can’t afford the transition. What if the price wasn’t as high? Would you consider a change then? Good because there are ways to cut the cost of going green while making it at the same time. For the property owners that want to find out more, take a look at the following. They may be the difference between a healthy planet and a strong bank balance.
Buy Cheap Wood
Going green means reducing the house’s carbon footprint, which means turning off the central heating. In the winter, the thought is enough to send shivers down your spine, but don’t despair. With a trust fireplace and log burner combination, you can heat the entire house and only release a small amount of CO2. The problem is sourcing enough wood to keep the fire burning all the way to spring which isn’t easy. Buying it is expensive nowadays thanks to the clean energy shift, but wood isn’t always pricey. A quick search on the internet will reveal firms such as Woodcall that have affordable prices. To get it any cheaper, you can dumpster dive and chop up stray tables, chairs and anything else that resembles a dead tree. Let’s face it – it doesn’t get any cheaper than free!
Ask The Government For Solar
A few years ago, the authorities saw fit to help families install panels on their roofs. Why? They did it to encourage a surge in renewable power and make the inevitable transition easier. Predictably, the drive didn’t go as planned and the government got its fingers burned, metaphorically speaking. After the plan cost them money, they started to pull out and rethink the strategy. However, in the not-so-distant future the country will have to think about developing solar energy to offset fossil fuels. When that happens, there is going to be grants and bursaries and all kinds of state intervention. It may take a while, but if you hold off the country may pay for your solar panels itself.
Don’t Put The Pedal To The Metal
Stop driving and take public transport, they say. Another favourite is to share a car with colleagues to cut down on carbon emissions. These are two great tips, but they don’t eradicate the cost of driving altogether. Whether you do or don’t carpool, you will need a couple of grand a year to cover the already high expenses. Therefore, you have to get into the minute detail and cut costs to the bone. Always start with insurance because the chances are you are paying over the odds. Firstly, check with comparison websites like uSwitch for a better deal. Next, look through the cover and knock off any features which are unnecessary. Apart from insurance, consider trading in your car and buying a second-hand model that is fuel-efficient.
Grow Your Own?
Growing fruit and vegetables in the back garden is a fantastic way to save money on your shopping bill. Still, there is the cost of cultivating crops, both financial and personal, and the price of electricity when you turn raw ingredients into a meal. Although growing your own is a healthy start, don’t assume it’s the end of the line. To make the cuts even deeper, try and source cheap nutrients for the plants. For example, you can start a compost heap and use the resulting mulch in the soil. Also, revolutionise the kitchen to prevent energy loss. A solar oven, one which is covered in tin foil, is a terrific place to begin. Just start it up and then turn it off and let the foil reflect the heat and maintain the temperature.
Rent And Freecycle
Every job costs, whether it’s a tiny amount or a large sum. The key to cutting the cost of going green is to avoid these expenses, no matter how large or small. To do this, you need to get thrifty and you also need to lose your ego. Why? It’s because you are going to beg and borrow as many items as possible to reduce your outgoings. Need to fix the boiler? Then ask a friend if you can loan his or her power tools. Want ride into town? See if someone will give you a lift.
Going green makes sense, but only when it pays to help the environment.