Having outdoor fencing can provide your home with the security that it needs, whilst giving your outdoor space a bit of structure. As much as outdoor fencing looks nice, it can easily become an eyesore if it’s not looked after properly. Here are some tips for maintaining outdoor fencing in your garden.
Top Up The Sealant
When it comes to keeping your fences dry so that they don’t start rotting from heavy weather conditions, sealants are great to use. They can provide a protective barrier between the fencing and any weather conditions that hit them throughout the year. Usually, a sealant would come separately and applied on top of the wood or paint, however, there are plenty of paints and varnishes that come with a sealant too. Try and make sure that you’re painting on this sealant, at least at the end of each season. That way, you’re giving it plenty of chance to last for a long time, and hopefully, you won’t have to replace broken or rotting wood so quickly.
Get Any Broken Fencing Replaced Immediately
Broken fencing is easy for vermin and other wildlife to come through, even if it’s only a small gap. You don’t want these to be getting through to your garden and potentially becoming a nuisance either in or around your home. As far as broken fencing goes, it also poses a security risk to your home. So with professional fence installation, it’s worth getting this done whenever it needs it and doing it immediately. The longer you leave it, the more vulnerable it’ll end up making the rest of your fence. It may be a little costly, but it’s certainly worth it.
Repaint Every Year
Repainting your entire fencing might seem like a bit of a hassle, but the difference it can make in the look of your garden is worth the effort. After a while, paint can become faded or worn after various weather like sun or rain. So by topping up the fencing with a lick of paint, it’ll make the fencing look like it’s brand new. That pop of colour will bring it back to life and as if you’d simply erected it that day. Every layer of paint is only going to help with keeping the fencing protected.
Be Wary Of Heavy Flower Baskets
Hanging or fixing flower baskets on fencing can be a lovely addition, but you want to be wary of how heavy you make these flower baskets. Too heavy, and they can end up warping the fence and potentially doing further damage to it. Try to keep the amount of soil in the basket to a minimum and ensure that water can drain from the basket, as that is going to end up adding more weight as a result.
Maintaining your outdoor fencing is one element of your home that you won’t regret doing. It helps bring a freshness to your garden and you’ll find yourself wanting to spend more time out there as a result.